Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fine Living

Okay - I have to show that there is more to my life than my support for Ron Paul (scroll down and you'll see what I mean)! My hubby and I finally went on a little vacation together recently (the first time since we had kids!) - we spent 2 nights at the Mt. Washington Hotel - an amazing, elegant Grand Hotel (built in 1902) nestled in some of the most impressive of the White Mountains. I don't have any good shots of the outside (you can see that at their website), but here are a couple of the lobby. I could get used to fine living and dining! It was one the best dining experiences I've ever had. Yummmmm.

1 comment:

DebD said...

Hi S!

I wandered over here from the Ortho-HS list (saw your blog in your siggy line).

That looks like a lovely place to visit. I hope you were able to really relax with hubby.